But for the past year eighteen days, every hour seems to bring another jab and twist. The indignities, cruelty and lies pile up, noxious like rotting garbage. We go to bed, wake up and hear more of the same. Or worse. I won't be back in North Carolina until July but the reverberations echo across the Atlantic. Increasingly on Tuesdays (when I work on the #FridayQuestion), my thoughts move to "when the world is burning, what’s the point?”
Does any of this really matter?
I wish I could report back an adamant "yes!!". Even a dejected "NO” might offer some clarity. But my uncertainty lingers like a low fog. Unshakeable. All I can do then is that which makes me feel better even if only for a little while.
Because here's what I also know: writing is a yoke between me and you.
Even if for only the two minutes it takes you to read this.
I led support groups for sexual abuse survivors for five years. I witnessed the before and after. The relieved click of “not the only one,” on an anxious face. I relish the glow of good I feel after a talk with Larissa, Nikki-Nicole and Jill. After a walk with Holly or Heather. I know we’re better, stronger, healthier, more able to feel joy, when we're connected to other people.
Which, maybe in the end, is the point: as long as writing makes me feel better and as long as it allowed me to connect with you, I’ll show up.
I find it easy to be overwhelmed and unmotivated these days. As a self labeled “hopeful pessimist” I have concluded that I don’t need motivation anymore. I just need to show up. As long as my feet can keep moving forward and my hands can make a fist I keep fighting because what other option do I have? I know how depressing this sounds but there is power in it. Power in my hands, in my feet, in the belief that no matter how shitty this world is, I stay the course.
Mar! I love this SO hard. "As long as my feet can keep moving forward and my hands can make a fist I keep fighting," gives me the chills. WOW. Yes, there is absolutely power in just showing up. I totally agree. Thank you for all of this. <3
Hi, it has been some time. I hear you loud and clear! Do we really have to get frustrated to move forward?! I have been occasionally reading and passing by, and, sometimes I do not read at all.
What I have to say is so cliche. I'm not serious about giving my story as much as listening, and reading.
I am a Mom of six boys and two girls and not one of them listen to me. I been married an in at least three not so good relationships. They did not listen. I now believe I was not listening to myself. I am now on a journey where I am going to listen, I am going to be what is called a active listener. I do hear you! Thanks for listening 🎧
I find it easy to be overwhelmed and unmotivated these days. As a self labeled “hopeful pessimist” I have concluded that I don’t need motivation anymore. I just need to show up. As long as my feet can keep moving forward and my hands can make a fist I keep fighting because what other option do I have? I know how depressing this sounds but there is power in it. Power in my hands, in my feet, in the belief that no matter how shitty this world is, I stay the course.
Mar! I love this SO hard. "As long as my feet can keep moving forward and my hands can make a fist I keep fighting," gives me the chills. WOW. Yes, there is absolutely power in just showing up. I totally agree. Thank you for all of this. <3
I needed this today ❤️
Good, Holly. That makes 2 of us. Hope you're feeling better.
Just wanted to say that so many of the responses here were wise and grounding. Thanks to all who contributed and to Elizabeth for asking the question!
Totally agree about the responses! Thanks for reading, Allison.
Hi, it has been some time. I hear you loud and clear! Do we really have to get frustrated to move forward?! I have been occasionally reading and passing by, and, sometimes I do not read at all.
What I have to say is so cliche. I'm not serious about giving my story as much as listening, and reading.
I am a Mom of six boys and two girls and not one of them listen to me. I been married an in at least three not so good relationships. They did not listen. I now believe I was not listening to myself. I am now on a journey where I am going to listen, I am going to be what is called a active listener. I do hear you! Thanks for listening 🎧
Peace and Love
Listening is work! Thanks Tracee.
Staying connected. Seeing and being seen. Creating the world we want to make with our words. Yes and yes and yes!
I love all of this, Diahann! Totally with you. Thanks for chiming in here.