My nightstand holds:

1) a box of kleenex

2) a crystal that supposedly helps keep sleep demons at bay (the jury is still out...)

3) My planner and diary

4) the latest books I'm reading

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A crystal against sleep demons!! That feels both magical and practical. And interesting you keep your planner on your nightstand. I may borrow that idea! Thanks for sharing, Melissa.

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This is a fun question! I don't like to keep too many things on my nightstand because I don't like a lot of clutter near my head while I'm sleeping. My nightstand is also pretty small!

Right now it holds a little amethyst candle holder -- i got it from TJ Maxx and it looks way more expensive than it is. I also have two night creams - an inexpensive one that I wish I loved more, and a pricier one that I use often. My favorite thing on my night stand is a lavender-scented candle that was given to me by a friend. I find the smell so relaxing before bed. Sometimes I will light it while I am getting ready for bed.

My nightstand isn't big enough for a stack of books and I often don't read right before bed anyway.

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A special candle and lotions...what a soothing set-up, Allison. I love that! And I learned a fun fact about you: no reading right before bed. Thanks for sharing!

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Yes I do have a soothing setup. It's quite a revealing question and would make a great writing prompt for an essay or section of a memoir. I might just steal it from you!

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Ooooh yes! Great idea. Of course please use it.

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To keep “flu season” germs away, I have lip balm, Trader Joe’s honey throat spray, tea tree chest rub and doTerras On Guard oil (from you)! and magnesium gummies for sleep 😉

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Nice stash. You've got all the goods! :-)

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