Don’t keep secrets for people who have hurt you. Spend time with people that boost you up and want to see you succeed. Trust your inner voice when it says to stay away from certain people.

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3 real pearls here, Ursula! #1 and 2 make rational sense on some level. And I wish at age 13, I'd had the inner voice (or could recognize it) to steer clear of some people! That came much later for me. Thanks for weighing in here!

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Lean into the weirdness. If they don't like you when you're weird, they don't like you.

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I, I, I LOVE this SO hard, Gloria! Good for all the quirky kids (and adults, lol). Thank you for sharing this gem.

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Idk 13 year old Holly was a silent force, I wonder if any one piece of advice would have served. I wonder if she needed to hear that she is much wiser than she knows and she is capable of great things when she uses her voice to describe her senses. What a great question…

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“A silent force”! I love that… and the idea linking potential with voice and senses. So powerful, Holly.

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Being embarrassed is an opportunity to laugh?

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Dang! This is GOLD. How many of us at age 13 were embarrassed by every.little.thing?!! I sure was. Thanks Susannah.

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Yes. Learning how to enjoy being embarrassed would have saved me so much anxiety as a young person.

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So. much. With you 100% there, Susannah!

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